Overcoming Marketing Challenges

There is a story about Xerxes I, the King of Kings in Persia, who was trying to cross into Greece at Hellespont but a storm destroyed their bridge. Xerxes ordered that the water be punished by lashing it and burning it. He also beheaded all of the engineers.

What does this have to do with marketing, you ask? Well, marketing is all about overcoming obstacles and achieving goals. Like Xerxes, marketers face challenges every day that seem insurmountable. It could be a tight budget, a competitive market, or changing consumer behavior. But just like Xerxes, marketers must be determined and find ways to overcome these challenges.

If your marketing isn’t pulling the results you need, don’t punish the water. You need to lean in and address the three “R”s.

  1. Reevaluate your goals. Maybe they are unrealistic and totally unachievable. Perhaps you bit off more than you can chew?
  2. Reassess your strategies. Are they lining up with your key objectives? If not, adjust them.
  3. Resist the unimportant. Your time is valuable—focus your energy on the things that matter most!

Xerxes’ attempt to beat the ocean may seem like a foolish and futile act, but it serves as a metaphor for all marketers to stay in the moment and work for results.

THINK: Are you on track to hit your goals?

THOUGHT: To achieve goals you’ve never achieved before, you need to start doing things you’ve never done before. -Stephen R. Covey

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