Cool Marketing Idea (Weekly Winner)

I really love it when someone proves basic marketing principles, like the concepts I discussed in my previous post about Market, Message, Media.

I recently received a box in the mail (yes…snail mail). Inside was a retro red viewfinder and three slide discs. How can you NOT take a minute to look through this. I did. I looked at it all—primarily because I thought it was a cool marketing piece. But then I realized they were smart and that they did their homework.

They found out who I was and a potential problem I may have (the Market). They wrote great copy to get my attention and their website was spot on (the Message). And then came the Media.

The viewfinder was great. But this morning I received an email with a customized video for me by a sales rep. The video wasn’t a finely polished piece, but that worked in it’s favor. It seemed more authentic, more natural. In the email were a list of dates and times that he’s available for a meeting. Great touch.

In the end, their marketing did two things really fast through some shock and awe. It informed me of their services and it persuaded me to call. Essentially, it got exactly what they wanted from me—a meeting. I’m talking with them later today.